hdd test crystal
hdd test crystal

2024年3月14日—CrystalMarkisaStoragebenchmarkandsysteminformationapplicationfromCrystalDewWorld...testtheirharddrives.Inshort,CrystalDiskMark ...,AHDD/SSDutilitysoftwarewhichsupportsapartofUSB,IntelRAIDandNVMe.AoiEdition.StandardEdition.CrystalDis...

CrystalDiskInfo for Windows

CrystalDiskInfoisanexcellenttoolformonitoringharddisksandSSDdrivestoknow,withasimpleglance,thehealthstatusofoneofthemostimportant ...

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Crystal DiskMark 8.0.5 Download

2024年3月14日 — CrystalMark is a Storage benchmark and system information application from Crystal Dew World ... test their hard drives. In short, CrystalDiskMark ...

CrystalDiskInfo - Crystal Dew World [en]

A HDD/SSD utility software which supports a part of USB, Intel RAID and NVMe. Aoi Edition. Standard Edition. CrystalDiskInfo. Shizuku Edition. CrystalDiskInfo ...


2021年8月18日 — CrystalDiskInfo is open source software for checking HDD/SSD health status. *This software requires administrator privileges.

CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.2 免安裝中文版

CrystalDiskInfo Portable is a HDD/SSD utility which supports S.M.A.R.T. * Supports a part of external USB disks * Monitoring health status and temperature * ...

CrystalDiskInfo for Windows

CrystalDiskInfo is an excellent tool for monitoring hard disks and SSD drives to know, with a simple glance, the health status of one of the most important ...

CrystalDiskMark - Crystal Dew World [en]

CrystalDiskMark is a simple disk benchmark software. Download. Standard Edition. Aoi Edition. Shizuku Edition ...


2023年7月12日 — CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark utility that analyzes your hard drive and allows you to measure its reading and writing speeds. While this ...


以微軟的MIT授權DiskSpd(英語:DiskSpd)工具為基礎,此圖形化基準測試工具常用於固態硬碟的效能。其透過與磁碟區相關的方式在檔案系統中讀寫來運作。以許多不同數量的佇 ...

CrystalDiskMark 8.0.5 免安裝中文版

[2016.05.29] 測試跑SD Card測速,測試對象是讀95MB/s、寫60MB/s且支援USB3.0高速存取的記憶卡,完成所有測試時間約5分鐘,測得數據是Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) : ...


2024年3月14日—CrystalMarkisaStoragebenchmarkandsysteminformationapplicationfromCrystalDewWorld...testtheirharddrives.Inshort,CrystalDiskMark ...,AHDD/SSDutilitysoftwarewhichsupportsapartofUSB,IntelRAIDandNVMe.AoiEdition.StandardEdition.CrystalDiskInfo.ShizukuEdition.CrystalDiskInfo ...,2021年8月18日—CrystalDiskInfoisopensourcesoftwareforcheckingHDD/SSDhealthstatus.*Thissoftwarerequiresadminist...

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度
